Experts talk

In this section you could find filmed interviews with leading international experts in relation to new or upcoming scientific studies about low/no calorie sweeteners and outcomes of discussions from scientific congresses and events attended or organised by the ISA.

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Nutritional Recommendations with Dr Brian Cavagnari

Myth-Busting Sweeteners: Effects and Benefits of Sweeteners with Dr France Bellisle

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Sweeteners’ Safety with Prof Dr Hans Verhagen

ISA symposium at FENS, the leading European nutrition conference

Low/no calorie sweeteners, obesity & cardiometabolic health – An interview with Dr John Sievenpiper

FINUT 2020 conference: A virtual meeting and interview with Dr Brian Cavagnari

FINUT 2020 conference: A virtual meeting and interview with Dr Hugo Laviada-Molina

Expert consensus on low calorie sweeteners: facts, research gaps and suggested actions

Expert consensus on low calorie sweeteners: An interview with Dr Margaret Ashwell

Expert consensus on low calorie sweeteners: An interview with Sigrid Gibson

Low calorie sweeteners in the current public health debate

The role of low calorie sweeteners in sugar reduction

Sugar reduction in public health policies

What do we know about sweet taste?

Perception of low calorie sweeteners can influence energy and food intake

Low calorie sweeteners and weight management

The role of low calorie sweeteners in the diet of people with diabetes

Low calorie sweeteners and gut microbiota

Low calorie sweeteners’ safety

Safety assessment and approval of low calorie sweeteners

Low calorie sweeteners and chronic diseases

Low calorie sweeteners, sweet taste without calories, appetite and weight loss

Low calorie sweeteners and glucose control

Low calorie sweeteners’ effects on body weight and on glucose control

Low calorie sweeteners and feeding behaviour: the ‘SWEET’ Study [EN]

International experts develop a consensus on sweeteners as a substitute for sugar

European Congress on Obesity (ECO) 2017, Porto

What role low calorie sweeteners play in sugar reduction

Do low calorie sweeteners have a role in weight control?

Psychological factors driving consumption of low calorie sweetened beverages

Presentation of the ‘SWITCH’ randomised controlled trial

Don’t miss ISA symposium at ECO2017

Low calorie sweeteners’ effect on appetite and energy intake

Low calorie sweeteners’ role in the diet from a public health perspective

The role of sweetness in the human diet throughout history

The role of low calorie sweeteners in obesity prevention and management

Low calorie sweeteners provide an option for people who want to reduce energy intake and manage their body weight

International experts agree on the benefits of low calorie sweeteners in weight management diabetes and oral health

Low calorie sweeteners do not increase appetite

Interview with professor Andrew Renwick