Expert consensus on low calorie sweeteners: An interview with Dr Margaret Ashwell

On 7th November 2018, seventeen academic and scientific experts participated in a consensus workshop in London with the aim to identify the reliable facts on low/no calorie sweeteners, suggest knowledge gaps and propose future actions related to research and nutrition policy. The outcome of this workshop has been published in a scientific paper in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrition Research Reviews, available here.

In this interview, Dr Margaret Ashwell, OBE, DSc, PhD, FAfN, RNutr(Public Health), lead author of this paper, discusses the outcomes and importance of this publication.

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Nutritional Recommendations with Dr Brian Cavagnari

Myth-Busting Sweeteners: Effects and Benefits of Sweeteners with Dr France Bellisle

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Sweeteners’ Safety with Prof Dr Hans Verhagen