The role of low calorie sweeteners in obesity prevention and management

An interview with Dr John Sievenpiper, University of Toronto, Canada

In the context of the 17th International Congress of Dietetics in September 2016, Dr John Sievenpiper has given an insightful interview about the epidemic of obesity and its causes, the sweet taste in our diet, as well as the role of low calorie sweeteners in obesity prevention and management. Based on the latest scientific data, Dr Sievenpiper provides evidence-based answers to the question why low calorie sweeteners can be one more tool in the effort to reduce energy intake and manage energy balance and subsequently body weight.

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Nutritional Recommendations with Dr Brian Cavagnari

Myth-Busting Sweeteners: Effects and Benefits of Sweeteners with Dr France Bellisle

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Sweeteners’ Safety with Prof Dr Hans Verhagen