Latest science
In this section you may find the latest news around low/no calorie sweeteners research in relation to their safety and benefits in weight management, diabetes and oral health, or their role in a balanced diet.
Looking back at new research on low/no calorie sweeteners and scientific milestones of 2024 Highlights: The beneficial role of low/no calorie sweetened beverages in…
Science news from the 41st International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition, the 31st European Congress on Obesity, and the ISA-FINUT webinar Highlights: Data analysis…
The “sweet tooth” hypothesis examined and rejected in a new review study Highlights: Evidence from human studies does not provide support to the widespread…
Highlights include recommendations, new research and scientific events Highlights: European and American clinical practice guidelines published in 2023 support the use of low/no calorie…
Science news from the 14th European Nutrition Conference – FENS 2023 Highlights: Two large year-long clinical trials presented at FENS 2023 indicate improved weight…
Summary findings of study by Harrold et al., “Non-nutritive sweetened beverages versus water after a 52-week weight management programme: a randomised controlled trial” Highlights: A…
Highlights Following a comprehensive safety assessment of all available evidence, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), reconfirmed the safety of aspartame and…
The WHO guideline on use of non-sugar sweeteners risks hindering global efforts to stem the rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Highlights Scientifically rigorous studies…
New systematic review of clinical trials confirms benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners when compared to sugars Highlights A new systematic review of controlled clinical trials…
Highlights: Benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners in reducing sugars and calorie intakes and assisting with weight loss are confirmed in 2022 systematic reviews and meta-analyses…
Science news from the webinar organised by ISA and hosted by the National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN) Highlights: Independent food safety agencies worldwide…
Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies that model intake of sweeteners as change or substitutions to mitigate the influence of…
A critical appraisal of the draft WHO guideline on use of non-sugar sweeteners Highlights Evidence from higher quality research reviewed recently by WHO supports…
Science news from the 39th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition Highlights Substituting sugars with low/no calorie sweeteners can assist with body weight and adiposity…
A critical appraisal of the systematic review by Rios-Leyvraz and Montez on health effects of low/no calorie sweeteners Highlights Results of the new WHO-supported study…
Outcomes of a systematic review and network meta-analysis of clinical trials conducted by the Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group of the European Association for the…
Highlights: Data from newly published studies conducted in Argentina, Chile, and Peru show that the intake levels of common low/no calorie sweeteners are below their…
Highlights: New studies and reports published in 2021 confirm the safety and role of low/no calorie sweeteners in sugar and calorie reduction, which in turn…
Science news from the 7th Annual Dubai International Nutrition Congress (DINC) 2021 Highlights: To assess the benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners, research should examine their…
Science news from the webinar organised by ISA and the Colombian Diabetology Federation Highlights: Scientists participating in a webinar about low/no calorie sweeteners highlighted that,…
Science news from the French Nutrition Society webinars Highlights: The safety of low/no calorie sweeteners is thoroughly assessed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)…
Key remarks of a published symposium report from FENS 2019 conference Highlights: To achieve the recommended sugar reduction, the implementation of a range of public…
Measuring sweetness of total diet in future research would help advance evidence-based dietary recommendations Highlights Current evidence does not support the hypothesis that reducing exposure…
Highlights: There is expert consensus that excessive intake of sugars should be reduced to lower the risk and prevalence of obesity, and low/no calorie sweeteners…