Bibliothèque scientifique
La bibliothèque scientifique est une zone qui permet d’effectuer facilement des recherches sur les résumés et les synthèses des principaux résultats des plus importantes études scientifiques, publiées dans des revues spécialisées et évaluées par des pairs, sur la sécurité, les bénéfices et le rôle des édulcorants dans l’alimentation.
Les informations disponibles couvrent un large éventail de sujets tels que le rôle des édulcorants à faible teneur en calories dans la gestion du poids et l’obésité, leur utilisation dans la gestion du diabète, leur impact sur la santé bucco-dentaire, leur sécurité; et le rôle global du goût sucré dans l’alimentation. Les scientifiques et les professionnels de la santé y trouveront facilement toutes les dernières études disponibles dans les différentes revues spécialisées.
Abstract Background: There has been an emerging concern that non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) can increase the risk of cardiometabolic disease. Much of the attention has focused on…
Abstract Aspartame has been studied extensively and evaluated for its safety in foods and beverages yet concerns for its potential carcinogenicity have persisted, driven primarily…
Abstract Several toxicological and epidemiological studies were published during the last five decades on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS) and cancer. Despite the large amount of research,…
Abstract Background: The food industry uses artificial sweeteners in a wide range of foods and beverages as alternatives to added sugars, for which deleterious effects on…
Abstract Low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) serve to replace added sugars in beverages and foods. The present goal was to explore any potential links between LCS use…
Abstract Objective: This study aimed to determine changes in saliva secretion and subjective taste intensity during a sustained period with continuous gustatory stimulation. Design: Twenty-two healthy adults…
Abstract This research examined the intakes of six low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCS) (acesulfame-K, aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, steviol glycosides, and sucralose) by the Brazilian population…
Abstract IMPORTANCE There are concerns that low- and no-calorie sweetened beverages (LNCSBs) do not have established benefits, with major dietary guidelines recommending the use of…
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the risk of the Portuguese population’s exposure to six non-nutritive intense sweeteners (NNIS) and their main associated factors. A…
Abstract BACKGROUND Adverse associations of low- and no-calorie sweetened beverages (LNCSB) with cardiometabolic outcomes in observational studies may be explained by reverse causality and residual…
Abstract – Summary The current systematic review and meta-analysis by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that the use of low/no calorie sweeteners leads to…
Abstract As obesity rates increase, several countries in Latin America have implemented strategies to curb the consumption of sugars, resulting in reformulations of products with…
Abstract Background: Non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NCAS) are widely used as a substitute for dietary sugars to control body weight or glycemia. Paradoxically, some interventional studies in…
Abstract: Background It is well-recognized that consumers face many challenges in understanding and applying nutritional guidance for low-calorie sweeteners (LCS). Thus, this research aims to…
Abstract Effects of isocaloric (sweetness differences but constant calories) preloads and isosweet (caloric differences but constant sweetness) preloads, as well as preloads that were neither…
Abstract: The Chilean Food Safety and Quality Agency (ACHIPIA) conducted a chronic dietary exposure assessment, requested by the Ministry of Health of Chile (MINSAL). Four…
Abstract Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) are popular sugar substitutes that can help in weight and diabetes management, but concerns regarding their use have been raised by…
Abstract: Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNSs) are sugar substitutes widely used to reduce the negative health effects of excessive sugar consumption. Dental caries, one of the most…
Abstract Steviol glycosides are present in the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, have a sweet taste, and have been used as a sweetener for centuries. To build on previous…
Abstract No abstract available Summary The Letter by Khan and Sievenpiper presents a re-analysis of data and discusses the findings of an earlier study by…
Abstract: It has been posited that Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) intake may affect lipid profile. However, its proven effects on lipid profile are unclear, as clinical…
Abstract There is a current debate on the effects of artificial sweeteners on health-related outcomes among different populations. Even when meta-analytic evidence has revealed that…
Abstract Overconsumption of free sugars, particularly from sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), has potential negative health impacts. Implementation of a range of public health strategies is needed…
Abstract Regulatory agencies around the world have found sucralose to be a safe ingredient for use in food. A recent review by the German Federal…