Low calorie sweeteners and feeding behaviour: the ‘SWEET’ Study [EN]

Interview with Dr Fantino on the outcome of the ‘SWEET’ randomised controlled trial

Presentation of the ‘SWEET’ randomised controlled trial – An interview with Dr Marc Fantino, Honorary Professor, University of Burgundy (France), and Scientific and medical Director of clinical research centre CreaBio Rhône-Alpes (France): A new clinical trial by Fantino et al which examined the short- and longer-term effects of low calorie sweetened drinks versus water on appetite and food intake in “naïve” consumers and after a habituation period, is of particular importance because it provides evidence in response to questions about low calorie sweeteners’ impact on appetite, the desire and consumption of sweet foods, when compared for example to water. Read more about this study here.

Desmontando Mitos Sobre los Edulcorantes: Consejos Nutricionales con el Dr. Brian Cavagnari

Myth-Busting Sweeteners: Effects and Benefits of Sweeteners with Dr France Bellisle

Myth-Busting Sweeteners in Less Than a Minute: Sweeteners’ Safety with Prof Dr Hans Verhagen