ISA-FDC Webinar: “Low/no calorie sweeteners in the current public health debate: From safety to efficacy” [Spanish]

The role of low/no calorie sweeteners in the current public health debate was the topic of a webinar organised on 19th July by the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) and the Colombian Diabetology Federation (FDC).

Acknowledging the misinformation around the topic of low/no calorie sweeteners, international scientific experts aimed to provide a review of the available and most recent evidence on a wide area of topics, from safety to efficacy of sweeteners.

Read more about the outcome of this webinar in our dedicated article, available by clicking here.

ISA-FINUT Webinar: “Science update on low/no calorie sweeteners: from safety assessment to evidence-based recommendations and emerging research” [English recording]

ISA-SBAN Webinar: “Recommendations and regulation on the use of low/no calorie sweeteners: global and Brazilian perspectives” [English recording]

ISA Webinar: “Safety of low/no calorie sweeteners and their role in weight control and diabetes” [English recording]