ISA Workshop at the French Nutrition Day 2023 (JFN – Journées Francophones de Nutrition)

The ISA is delighted to be participating as a Gold sponsor at the French Nutrition Day (FR: JFN – Journées Francophones de Nutrition) this year from 6th to 8th December at the in Marseille, France.

On this occasion, the ISA will be hosting a workshop on Thursday 7th December 2023, 16:45-17:30 CET, entitled “Sweeteners: What Role do they play in Weight and Diabetes Management?” (FR: «Les édulcorants, quelle utilité et quelle place dans la gestion du poids et du diabète ?»).

Furthermore, attendees at the ISA workshop will receive a physical copy of the new ISA booklet in French, which provides the latest factual scientific information on low/no calorie sweeteners, their characteristics, and the evidence supporting their beneficial contribution to a balanced diet and lifestyle.


  • 16:45-17:05 – “Evidence, prospects and the need for research” (Jean-Michel Lecerf, Institut Pasteur de Lille)
  • 17:05-17:25 – “The use and role of low/no calorie sweeteners in dietetic practice” – (Audrey Aveaux, dietician-nutritionist, Paris)
  • 17:25-17:30 – Q&A session


The 2023 JFN is organised jointly by the French Nutrition Society (SFN – Société Française de Nutrition) and the Francophone Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (SFNCM – Société Francophone Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme). More information about the JFN is available by clicking here.