New evidence in favour of low/no calorie sweeteners’ beneficial role in weight control

Science news from the 14th European Nutrition Conference – FENS 2023   Highlights: Two large year-long clinical trials presented at FENS 2023 indicate improved weight loss maintenance with the use of low/no calorie sweeteners These new findings are in line with outcomes of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials that report a modest […]

Science-based public health decision-making increases consumers’ confidence

Science news from the webinar organised by ISA and hosted by the National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN)   Highlights: Independent food safety agencies worldwide examine and assess the best available scientific evidence and, on that basis, confirm the safety of low/no calorie sweeteners. A study by the Chilean Food Safety and Quality Agency (ACHIPIA) […]

New evidence about the role of low/no calorie sweeteners in sugar and calorie reduction, weight management and diabetes

Science news from the 39th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition Highlights Substituting sugars with low/no calorie sweeteners can assist with body weight and adiposity reduction, without affecting blood glucose or other cardiometabolic risk factors, as supported by a new systematic reviews and meta-analyses of controlled clinical studies Replacing sugar-sweetened with low/no calorie sweetened beverages […]

Low/no calorie sweeteners and cardiometabolic health: Where does the evidence stand?

Science news from the 7th Annual Dubai International Nutrition Congress (DINC) 2021 Highlights: To assess the benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners, research should examine their impact in the context of their intended purpose of use, that is when used as sugar substitutes and, thus, to help achieve calorie reduction. Analyses of the collective data examining […]

Targeting misinformation on low/no calorie sweeteners by seeking reliable scientific information

Science news from the webinar organised by ISA and the Colombian Diabetology Federation Highlights: Scientists participating in a webinar about low/no calorie sweeteners highlighted that, in the age of misinformation, consumers must seek reliable sources of knowledge to make informed decisions about what they choose to eat. All approved low/no calorie sweeteners, irrespective of their […]

What do we know about sweet taste physiology, low/no calorie sweeteners and sugar reduction?

Science news from the French Nutrition Society webinars Highlights: The safety of low/no calorie sweeteners is thoroughly assessed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) who confirms that their consumption is safe and within the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) levels for each individual sweetener. Replacing sugar with low/no calorie sweeteners can be helpful in calorie […]

Better risk–benefit communication for low/no calorie sweeteners is needed to achieve the recommended sugar reduction

Key remarks of a published symposium report from FENS 2019 conference Highlights: To achieve the recommended sugar reduction, the implementation of a range of public health strategies is needed, including reducing portion sizes, promoting healthier dietary choices and reformulating foods and beverages. Low/no calorie sweeteners can help in product reformulation as they allow to replace sugar […]

Why is there a confusion about sweeteners’ role in weight and glucose control?

Science news from the FINUT 2020 virtual Conference Highlights: Conflicting outcomes between controlled clinical trials and observational studies are often the cause of confusion about low/no calorie sweeteners’ effects on health. Limitations of observational study design do not allow to draw conclusions on cause-and-effect relationships, while randomised controlled studies offer higher quality evidence. When interpreting […]

Sugar reduction and low/no calorie sweeteners: policies, evidence and dietary practice

Key remarks of a webinar by the European Federation of Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) Highlights: As a result of public health concerns about excess sugar consumption, European countries are implementing a range of policies to lower population sugars intake. Food and drink reformulation and portion size reduction by the food industry are some of the […]