SAN-ISA Webinar: “Health, sweetness and pleasure: is it possible?” [Spanish]

Sociedad Argentina de Nutrición (SAN) and the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) organised on 2nd December 2020 a webinar about health, sweet taste and pleasure with the participation of renowned experts from Latina America and beyond.

The engaging scientific programme covered various topics on the science behind sugar reduction and low/no calorie sweeteners, as well as a final session with live questions and answers from the speakers.

ISA-FINUT Webinar: “Science update on low/no calorie sweeteners: from safety assessment to evidence-based recommendations and emerging research” [English recording]

Webinar da ISA: “Recomendações e regulamentação sobre o uso de adoçantes sem ou de baixas calorias: perspectivas globais e brasileiras” [gravação em potuguês]

ISA Webinar: “Safety of low/no calorie sweeteners and their role in weight control and diabetes” [Spanish recording]