Aspartame Consumption for 12 Weeks Does Not Affect Glycemia, Appetite, or Body Weight of Healthy, Lean Adults in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Abstract Background: Low-calorie sweeteners are often used to moderate energy intake and postprandial glycemia, but some evidence indicates that they may exacerbate these aims. Objective: The trial’s primary aim was to assess the effect of daily aspartame ingestion for 12 wk on glycemia. Effects on appetite and body weight were secondary aims. Methods: One hundred lean [body mass […]

Effect of high milk and sugar-sweetened and non-caloric soft drink intake on insulin sensitivity after 6 months in overweight and obese adults: a randomized controlled trial

Abstract Background/Objectives: Milk contributes with saturated fat, but randomized controlled studies (RCT) on the effects of dairy on risk of type-2 diabetes (T2D) where dairy is given as whole foods are scarce. The objective of our study was to investigate the long-term effects of semi-skimmed milk on insulin sensitivity and further to compare milk with sugar-sweetened […]

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Practice Guideline for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Adults: Nutrition Intervention Evidence Reviews and Recommendations

Abstract No abstract available. Summary The US Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) Nutrition Practice Guideline (NPG) for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Adults is a newly developed guideline, providing updated evidence-based recommendations about Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) in diabetes management. Nutrition therapy plays a critical role in managing both types of diabetes, […]

Do non-nutritive sweeteners influence acute glucose homeostasis in humans? A systematic review

Abstract The human body associates sensory cues with metabolic consequences. Exposure to sweet-tasting sugars – even in the absence of ingestion – triggers physiological responses that are associated with carbohydrate digestion, absorption and metabolism. These responses include the release of insulin and incretin hormones, which work to reduce blood glucose. For this reason, non-nutritive sweeteners […]

Consumption of Low-Calorie Sweetened Beverages Compared to Water Is Associated with Reduced Intake of Carbohydrates and Sugar, with No Adverse Relationships to Glycemic Responses: Results from the 2001–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys

Abstract Although the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee concluded that there was moderate evidence that substituting sugar-containing sweeteners with low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) reduces calorie intake and weight, dietary recommendations encourage substituting only water for sugar-sweetened beverages during weight management. This cross-sectional study evaluated the relation of water and no- and low-calorie sweetened beverage (LCSB) intake […]

Sperimentazione clinica randomizzata di 12 settimane sul potenziale del sucralosio sull’omeostasi del glucosio

Abstract La scoperta dei recettori intestinali del gusto ha condotto a speculazioni secondo cui i dolcificanti non nutritivi, tra cui il sucralosio, posso avere effetto sul controllo del glucosio. Una sperimentazione clinica a doppio cieco, parallela, randomizzata qui riportata e precedentemente sottoposta alle agenzie regolatorie, aiuta a chiarire il ruolo del sucralosio in tal senso. […]

Il consumo di una bevanda zuccherata, ma non il consumo di soda è assocviato il modo positivo alla progressione della resistenza all’insulina e del diabete pre-diabetico

Abstract Contesto: precedenti studi hanno mostrato un rapporto coerente tra consumo di bevanda abituale e insulino-resistenza e prediabete. Obiettivo: L’obiettivo del presente studio era di verificare l’ipotesi che il consumo di bevande zuccherate bevande (SSB), piuttosto che di soda dietetica , è associata con la progressione a lungo termine della insulino-resistenza e lo sviluppo di prediabete. […]

L’apporto zuccherato di bevanda e il rischio di diabete auotoimmune latente negli adulti (LADA) e il diabete Tipo 2

Abstract OBIETTIVO: L’assunzione di bevande zuccherate è associata a un aumentato rischio di diabete di tipo 2, ma la sua associazione con diabete autoimmune è poco chiara. Abbiamo mirato a studiare l’assunzione di bevande zuccherate e rischio di diabete autoimmune latente in adulti (LADA); diabete autoimmune con le caratteristiche del diabete di tipo 2. STRUTTURA/METODI: utilizzati dati […]