ISA Webinar: “Safety of low/no calorie sweeteners and their role in weight control and diabetes”

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) is organising a webinar about low/no calorie sweeteners in the current public health debate with the participation of renowned experts from various countries. The host organisation, the National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN), a technical body under the Ministry of Public Health and Social Wellbeing of Paraguay, will open the webinar on 26th October 2022, at 10h00 local Paraguay time (15h00 CEST).

It includes an engaging scientific programme covering various topics on the science behind the safety and efficacy of low/no calorie sweeteners, as well as a final session with live questions and answers from the speakers. Dr Rebeca López-García (Mexico) will present about the safety of low/no calorie sweeteners in adults and children and Lic. Constanza Miranda (Chile) will present the results of the assessment of low/no calorie sweeteners intake by the Chilean population conducted by the Chilean Food Safety and Quality Agency (ACHIPIA).

The role of these ingredients in obesity and diabetes will be discussed by Prof. Alison Gallagher (UK). The webinar will be moderated by the Lic. Marizela Lopez Cattebeke of the National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN).

Safety of low/no calorie sweeteners and their role in weight control and diabetes

Lic. Marizela Lopez Cattebeke, National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN), Paraguay


  • 10h00: Welcome – Lic. Marizela Lopez Cattebeke, National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN), Paraguay
  • 10h05: Low/no calorie sweeteners’ use in adults and children: How is safety reassured?, Dr Rebeca López-García, Logre International Food Science Consulting, Mexico
  • 10h25: Chronic dietary exposure assessment on sweeteners in food consumed by the Chilean population, Lic. Constanza Miranda, Chilean Food Safety and Quality Agency (ACHIPIA), Chile
  • 10h45: Low/no calorie sweeteners in obesity and diabetes: does evidence support a useful role in public health?, Prof Alison Gallagher, Ulster University, UK
  • 11h05: Discussion
  • 11h25: Closing remarks – Lic. Marizela Lopez Cattebeke, National Food and Nutrition Institute (INAN), Paraguay


You may watch the webinar on demand (in English or Spanish) by clicking here. You may also read more about the outcome of this webinar in our dedicated article, available by clicking here.