31st National Congress of Mexican Diabetes Federation

The 31st National Congress of the Mexican Diabetes Federation will take place in the city of Acapulco (Mexico), at the Expo Mundo Imperial, from 14th to 16th of March 2019.

The congress, organised by the Mexican Diabetes Federation, is the highest-level meeting on diabetes in Mexico and has attracted more than 20,000 attendees since its first edition. This year, it will cover topics of interest in prevention and control of diabetes through an Educational and a Scientific programme. For more information about the XXXI Congreso Nacional de Diabetes, please visit the congress website by clicking here.

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) will participate in this congress with two sponsored talks on Thursday, 14th March 2019 (12:45-13:30 local time), and on Saturday, 16th March 2019 (08:00-08:45 local time). Read more about ISA participation to the National Congress of the Mexican Diabetes Federation by clicking on the related tab below.

« Low calorie sweeteners in diabetes: Doctors explain their role in glucose control« : Read more about about the outcomes of the ISA supported sessions at the 31st National Congress of the Mexican Diabetes Federation by clicking here.

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) will participate in this congress with two sponsored talks with local experts:

Sugar replacers, are they for me?” by Dr Marisol Gil Pérez, president and founder of the NGO Historias de Vida y Azúcar, on Thursday, 14th March 2019 (12:45-13:30 local time).

Low calorie sweeteners’ role in diabetes control and weight management based on evidence”, by Dr Héctor Sánchez Mijangos, medical president of the Mexican Diabetes Federation, on Saturday, 16th March 2019 (08:00-08:45 local time).


    The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) will participate in this congress with two sponsored talks with local experts:

    Sugar replacers, are they for me?” by Dr Marisol Gil Pérez, president and founder of the NGO Historias de Vida y Azúcar, on Thursday, 14th March 2019 (12:45-13:30 local time).

    Low calorie sweeteners’ role in diabetes control and weight management based on evidence”, by Dr Héctor Sánchez Mijangos, medical president of the Mexican Diabetes Federation, on Saturday, 16th March 2019 (08:00-08:45 local time).