Together to support ‘Better Nutrition for Every Body’

The ISA proudly supports World Obesity Day 2021

Brussels, 4th March 2021: The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) proudly supports World Obesity Day today, joining obesity organisations around the world and the global community in the call to build happier, healthier and longer lives for everybody.

Obesity remains today a critical public health challenge as people living with obesity are at a greater risk from chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Moreover, obesity is a risk factor for complications of Covid-19,1 making it more urgent to tackle:

  • 800 million people around the world are living with obesity;1
  • People living with obesity are twice as likely to be hospitalized if tested positive for Covid-19.1

In the current global situation, it is important to support World Obesity Day, to increase awareness and improve understanding about obesity, its causes and how we can work together to create healthier food environments, promote informed policies, achieve better care and education around this condition. Every Body needs everybody!

Stronger together to create a healthier nutritional environment for Every Body

The pandemic has made all the more urgent tackling the many and complex roots of obesity including over- and undernutrition. Diets have also been affected by the lockdown, self-isolation and quarantine measures. With this in mind, the ISA is proud to support World Obesity Day 2021 and to release a new infographic to help understand more about how a ‘Better nutrition for every body’ can help in the management of this important public health challenge. The infographic is endorsed by the French association for people with obesity2 (CNAO), the Portuguese association of patients and ex-patients with obesity (Adexo), the Brazilian diabetes association3 (ANAD), and the Brazilian Federation of Diabetes’ Organisations4 (FENAD).

While there is no single cause or solution to the obesity crisis, securing the best nutritional environment possible should be a priority for healthier and longer lives. This includes an easy access to fruits and vegetables; whole grain products; protein foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, legumes and nuts; low-fat dairy products; and food and beverages low in sugar, fat and salt.5 As part of such an overall healthy lifestyle, low/no calorie sweeteners can be used to help bring down sugar intake while maintaining sweet taste with fewer or zero calories. Replacing added sugars with low/no calorie sweeteners may be one among many dietary strategies to help reduce calorie intake and, in turn, aid in weight management.5,6,7

Engage in the conversation about World Obesity Day 2021 by using #ISA4WOD and #WorldObesityDay.

  1. World Obesity Day 2021. Obesity Fact Sheet. Available at:
  2. Collectif National des Associations d’Obèses
  3. Associação Nacional de Atenção ao Diabetes
  4. Federação Nacional de Associações e Entitades de Diabetes
  5. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at:
  6. Ashwell M, Gibson S, Bellisle F, et al. Expert consensus on low calorie sweeteners: facts, research gaps and suggested actions. Nutr Res Rev. 2020;33(1):145-154. [Epub ahead of print].
  7. Rogers PJ, Appleton KM. The effects of low-calorie sweeteners on energy intake and body weight: a systematic review and meta-analyses of sustained intervention studies. Int J Obes 2020.