EFAD Webinar: “Latest dietary guidelines for obesity and diabetes management”

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) is delighted to support a webinar organised by the European Federation of Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) and its Specialist Network (European Specialist Dietetic Network – ESDN) on Obesity that is taking place on 30th November 2022, at 18h00 CET. With the participation of well-renowned and respected academics, expert scientists and dietitians from Europe and beyond, the EFAD webinar aims to present the latest dietary guidelines for obesity and diabetes.

The 90-minute webinar includes the presentation of latest dietary guidelines for the management of obesity and diabetes, as issued recently by nutrition and health-related organisations. Dr Antonis Vlassopoulos and Dr Odusseas Androutsos, both members of EFAD’s ESDN Obesity, will present the recent medical nutrition therapy guidelines for children and adults with overweight and obesity, a position of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and EFAD. Finally, Dr John Sievenpiper MD, from the University of Toronto, Canada, and member of the Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group (DNSG) of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), will close the set of talks by presenting the latest guidelines on the intake of sugars and low/no calorie sweeteners. The webinar will be chaired by the lead dietitian of the ESDN on Obesity, Prof Maria Hassapidou.

Topic: Latest dietary guidelines for obesity and diabetes management

Prof Maria Hassapidou, International Hellenic University, Greece, & Lead of EFAD’s ESDN Obesity


  • Introduction by the chair
  • Clinical practice versus public health guidelines on non-sugar sweeteners: Understanding the sources of disagreement – Speaker: Dr John Sievenpiper, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Medical nutrition therapy for adults with overweight and obesity. A position of EASO and EFAD – Speaker: Dr Antonis Vlassopoulos, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, & member of EFAD’s ESDN Obesity
  • Medical nutrition therapy for children with overweight and obesity. A position of EASO and EFAD – Speaker: Dr Odusseas Androutsos, University of Thessaly, Greece & member of EFAD’s ESDN Obesity
  • Q&As and Conclusions


You may watch the webinar on demand by clicking here.