French Nutrition Day 2017 (JFN – Journées Francophones de Nutrition)

Organised by the French Nutrition Society (SFN – Société Française de Nutrition) and the Francophone Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (SFNEP – Société Francophone Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme), in collaboration with the French Association of the Dietitians Nutritionists (AFDN – Association Française des Diététiciens-Nutritionnistes), the French Association for the Development of Specialised Approaches to Disorders of Food Behaviour (AFDAS-TCA – Association Française pour le Développement des Approches Spécialisées des Troubles du Comportement Alimentaire), the French Association for the Study and Research on Obesity (AFERO – Association Française de l’Etude et de la Recherche sur l’Obésité), the College of Nutrition Teachers (CEN – Collège des Enseignants de Nutrition), the Centres of Research in Human Nutrition (CRNH – Centres de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine), the National Federation of Medical Associations of Nutrition (FNAMN – Fédération Nationale des Associations Médicales de Nutrition), the Francophone Group of Hepato-Gastroenterology and Pediatric Nutrition (GFHGNP – Groupe Francophone d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie et Nutrition Pédiatriques), the New French Society of Atherosclerosis (NSFA – Nouvelle Société Française d’Athérosclérose) and the Society of Physiology (SP – Société de Physiologie), the French Nutrition Day (JFN – Journées Francophones de Nutrition) are a place where multidisciplinary exchange takes place.

Covering all nutrition disciplines, from the biological sciences to clinical nutrition and E-Nutrition, including food sciences, animal nutrition, and human and social sciences, the JFN brings together all nutrition professionals. From this meeting between researchers, doctors, pharmacists, nurses, dietitians and representatives of the food and the pharmacy industry, new collaborations and research programmes are developed for the future. The latest discoveries in the field of nutrition will be presented at the JFN. More information on the JFN is available by clicking here.

The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) is pleased to be participating to the JFN this year, with the organisation of a symposium on Wednesday, 13thDecember, from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm, addressing the role of low calorie sweeteners in blood glucose control and weight management, and presenting the latest scientific data on these topics.


Chaired by Prof Marc Fantino, (Lyon and Dijon), this symposium is hosting the following presentations:

  • Can low calorie sweeteners help in weight management? Presentation of recent research data
    Prof Marc Fantino (Lyon and Dijon)
  • Impact of low calorie sweeteners on glucose metabolism
    Fabrice Bonnet (Rennes)

Missed the ISA symposium at the French Nutrition Day?

Read our press release on the symposium by clicking here, and learn more about the presentations made on this occasion by reading our highlights from the ISA symposium by clicking here.

Thank you all for joining us on this occasion!