The Ganepao 2018: 8th ICNO/CBNC – International Conference of Nutritional Oncology/ Brazilian Conference of Nutrition in Cancer and 2nd NEXSA – International Conference of Nutrition, Exercise and Health will take place in the city of Sao Paolo (Brazil), at the Centro de Convenções Rebouças, from 12th to 15th of June 2018, and is expected to be attended by over 2800 scientists and health professionals, mostly doctors and nutritionists but also nurses and pharmacists.
The Ganepao 2018 conference is the biggest nutrition event in Brazil and consists of two scientific events: the 8th CBNC International Conference of Nutritional Oncology – ICNO/ Brazilian Conference of Nutrition in Cancer – themed “Nutrition and Physical Activity in Oncology: From Prevention Forever!”, and simultaneously, the 2nd NEXSA – International Conference of Nutrition, Exercise and Health, under the topic Healthy Nutrition, Mind and Body: Perfect Health.
Experts from Latin America, the US, Europe and around the world will present recent scientific evidence on different areas of nutrition research. For more information about GANEPAO 2018, please visit the conference website by clicking here.
The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) will participate in this congress with a sponsored symposium on Wednesday, 13 June 2018 (12:30-14:00 local time) and with an information booth during the whole duration of the congress. Read more about ISA participation to Ganepão below by clicking on the related tab.
“Sweet taste – no calories: Experts present latest evidence on low calorie sweeteners’ science“: Read more about about the outcomes of the ISA symposium at Ganepão 2018 and the presentations from the speakers by clicking here.