25th European Congress on Obesity

Committed to continuously support the communication of science, especially related to food, nutrition and low calorie sweeteners, and thus the organisation of scientific events that aim to bring the latest research news to scientists and health professionals, the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) is pleased to announce its participation again to the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) in 2018, organised by the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and taking place from 23rd to 26th May in Vienna, Austria.

On the occasion of ECO 2018, we would like to invite you to join us at the ISA information booth in the exhibition area (number 12) during the whole duration of the congress.


    The ISA is delighted to participate as exhibitor in the European Congress on Obesity this year by hosting an information booth in ECO 2018 exhibition area. We look forward to welcoming you all at the ISA information booth in order to address any question you might have on low calorie sweeteners’ use, safety and role in a healthy diet.

    By visiting the ISA booth, you would also have the opportunity to receive the ISA collateral such as the ISA 16-page leaflet featuring latest scientific evidence on low calorie sweeteners, as well as the updated and just released ISA factsheets on “Low calorie sweeteners and their benefits in oral health” and on “Sweet talk on diabetes. How can low calorie sweeteners help?”.

    Please do take the opportunity to also participate in our 3-minute survey and enter a prize draw to win the registration fee for the next ECO in 2019, the 26th European Congress on Obesity in Glasgow, Scotland. Your feedback counts, therefore we would be very interested to learn more about your scientific interests and views in relation to low calorie sweeteners and the ISA.


    Being the most important annual scientific event on obesity in Europe, the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) aims to provide an annual forum for the dissemination of information about research advances in the field of obesity and to debate and promote innovative preventive and treatment strategies to reduce the prevalence of obesity and related diseases.

    Attended by more than 1500 participants of a wide range of professions and scientific backgrounds from different countries around Europe and from around the world, the event brings together experts and opinion leaders in the field of obesity and its related conditions to address key issues on obesity.

    This year, the 25th European Congress on Obesity is taking place in the city of Vienna, Austria, from 23rd to 26th May 2018, and will follow the activities in support of the European Obesity Day 2018, which is celebrated on Saturday 19th May 2018 and aims to raise awareness and increase knowledge about obesity and the many other diseases on which it impacts.